I’m a Vegetarian
Pennsylvania School Librarians Association YA Top 40 Non-fiction 2002 List
Canadian Children’s Book Centre Our Choice
Whether it’s for health, humane, or taste reasons, many young people are vegetarians. This is the perfect book to help them be healthy ones. It provides a history of vegetarianism, advice on balanced diets, yummy food ideas, and, best of all, ways to cope with sticky situations. How do you handle the inevitable trips to the local burger joint? How do you resist Grandma’s attempts to get you to try just a bit of her famous roast ham? For young vegetarians, or for those who are thinking about making the switch, this is an invaluable resource.
About the illustrator:
A graduate of the Chelsea College of Art in London and London’s Wimbledon School of Art, Farida Zaman has been an illustrator and designer for over two decades. She has illustrated numerous children’s books and textbooks, and her illustrations have been used in national newspapers and magazines throughout Britain, Canada, and the United States. Farida Zaman lives in Toronto. [link to http://faridazaman.com/]
“As more and more teenagers explore the possibility of becoming vegetarian, their curiosity about this choice is fueled by a need for information and reassurance. Schwartz provides both in this easygoing yet thorough overview - highly recommended.” - VOYA
“It’s an invaluable resource full of advice on how to eat properly, tips for navigation in a meat-eating world, food lore and history and even some good, basic recipes.” - Books
Tundra Books, 2002
ISBN: 978-0-88776-588-9 (0-88776-588-2), 112 pages, paperback, ages 10-13